As of today getting the laser replaced and back in production mode is maybe halfway completed. The machine that Coyle could afford is a Chinese make and getting parts for it (It needs to be upgraded some) is complicated mostly by what one might expect, communication and the opposition of time zones that limits communication opportunities. Coyle bit the bullet and liquidated some 401K monies and was able to find an unused machine from a person here in Oregon (this is the sort of rare find that would have been ideal when originally buying the machine as it keeps money closer to home and still makes the purchase within reach financially.) The machine was somewhat smaller and underpowered for Coyle's application so buying some upgraded parts was necessary. Skyping and emailing with China has been a little bit torturous at times (for the amount of time it takes a person of limited laser machine expertise to buy the right parts from people who are of limited english language expertise) but it proceeds nonetheless and the Chinese do seem to be hard working and reliable from direct experience and from references that Coyle has run down.
the new blue laser
In the meantime Coyle was asked to be part of an article being written about fashion for the Wall Street Journal and has been invited to present to students and faculty at OSU in the near future.
The biggest side effect of not having a laser this past month has been having to let go of some tradeshow/event opportunities this summer as it isn't realistic to create enough inventory to pull off a decent display.
Nonetheless, things are moving forward and there is a best case scenario that could have things back on line in the next two weeks.
The fund right now sits at $855 supported by 4 donations! This is a great boost to morale and will pay for a significant chunk of the upgrade parts that will be ordered for the new machine that was purchased. These include a more powerful Power Source, focal lenses, a special platform table that is most well suited for cork cutting and several miscellaneous but critical pieces to support the modification.
Right now there is no way to identify the folks who have donated. OSU Federal Credit Union, which is managing the fund account, does not track the identity of donors. Our hope is to find a way to identify who has helped out so that we have a chance to let them know how much their contribution has meant. If you are one of the contributors reading this please know how thankful I am and get in touch when you get the chance.
To contribute to the Fund you can mail a check to or contact Oregon State University Federal Credit Union at, PO Box 306, Corvallis, OR 97339 - Phone: 800-732-0173
Send checks or ask to contribute funds to Daniel Coyle LLC Fund and/or account number 394123
Dan Coyle